
New Patients Welcome! 

Locations in AR, TN, MO

Same-Day Cleaning and Treatment Dental Office 

 We know life can get busy, and sometimes finding time to visit the dentist can be a challenge. That’s why we offer same-day hygiene and treatment appointments in Arkansas, Tennessee, and Missouri. We always strive to help our patients as quickly as possible while also providing an EXTRAordinary dental experience at HFD.

Let us help you stay up to date with your hygiene appointments. It’s our goal to keep your teeth healthy and fresh year-round. We will do our best to accommodate you with your schedule by offering same-day appointments.

At Higginbotham Family Dental we find solutions, and we find them fast! We understand you want your teeth treated as quickly and efficiently as possible. We work our hardest while also delivering an EXTRAordinary dental experience! Now, are you ready to get started on your appointment? Contact us or book an appointment online, and we will get you in as soon as today!


How do I get emergency dental treatment?

Call or text any of our office locations to get on our schedule! If you are in pain we will work to get you seen the same day for your emergency dental treatment! You can also contact us or book an appointment online. If you need an appointment for more than just emergency treatment, we can take care of you too! We want to treat you and put any pain or discomfort to ease as soon as possible. 

Can I get an emergency dentist appointment?

Of course! During our normal office hours at Higginbotham Family Dental, you can give us a call or text us at our office phone number, and we will get in as soon as you can get to our office! If our office is closed, there’s still hope! We offer emergency dental after hour consultations with our dentist for our current patients. If you are not a current patient, please book an appointment online, and we will contact you as soon as possible to get you scheduled during normal business hours.

Can urgent care pull a tooth?

If you call our office during our normal office hours with a dental emergency, we would be happy to connect you with a same day dentist. However, if our offices are closed and you need to be seen as soon as possible and decide to visit urgent care, you will typically be advised to be seen by your family dentist and be given an antibiotic by the on-call physician to treat the infection. You can book an appointment online, and we will call you back to get an appointment scheduled. The best way to get your tooth that is hurting you is to make an appointment at our dental office the first day you are hurting. Most toothaches do not go away and do get worst.

How much does it cost to get a tooth pulled without insurance?

This all depends on what type of extraction you will need and how many x-rays are done. If you have insurance then we will give an estimate to you based on your insurance benefits of what your copay will be. We want to make sure every single patient can get taken care of and that is why if you do not have insurance, we offer Dental Payment Plans. We will have a financial coordinator go over a financial plan with you, that way there are no surprises when it is time to pay!

How much does a tooth cleaning cost out of pocket?

Do not wait too long for your dental cleaning! If you are needing it as soon as possible, but you’re not sure if you can afford it without insurance? We have found you a solution! At Higginbotham Family Dental, we offer a Discount Dental Plan, we have made dental care affordable for you! Just give one of our offices a call or book an appointment online, and we can get you scheduled, and you can become a Discount Dental Plan member that same day! To view all locations please visit our locations page.


Referral Program

Referral Program


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